The High Tea is held bi-annually every 2 years and showcases the Ecological aspects of the School and promotes learning through immersion in the environment through whole school studies. 

The High Tea is run as a low-waste event to reflect the School’s efforts to educate towards a more sustainable future, and is an opportunity to promote, reflect and showcase the school’s strengths which include: 

  • Being a small, caring and connected community, where individuals are recognised and are a part of the whole.
  • Family involvement – ‘sharing the learning journey’.
  • Academic excellence – showcasing specialist subjects, quality programmes, excellent teaching and a stimulating learning environment together with quality caring staff.
  • Individual character development.
  • Bush learning environment, environmentally aware, and sustainability focussed.
  • Parent involvement:  Families attend and participate in the High Tea.


Come and have a cuppa and cake!. Have a look around our wonderful school and take a tour on the Nyindamurra Nature Trail.
RSVP is essential ph 97577515 or email [email protected]
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The High Tea & Ecology Open Morning was a great success with visitors to campus entertained by special guests, Josh Whiteland from Koomal Dreaming and the ABC’s Frog Doctor, Johnny Prefumo.

Josh took Welcome to Country and Johnny gave an informative talk on frogs.

The school’s new nature website, BEES was also launched after a two year collaborative effort between teachers, Lindsay Burke and Pam Tuffin.

Pam and Johnny Prefumo collaborated back in 2002 to create the “Art Meets Science” text book which has now evolved into an interactive website that can be accessed through the school website.

“Johnny’s input has been invaluable to MRIS,” said MRIS Principal Wendy Roediger.

“The relationship between MRIS and Johnny has bought huge benefits to the school through his ongoing support of our frog bog and pitfall trapping programs,” she said.

Visitors enjoyed a delicious High Tea catered for by the parents while students spent the day engaged in outdoor activities to celebrate World Outdoor Classroom Day.

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