MRIS Governance

Governance of MRIS is provided by a Governing Body (GB) using a consensus model for decision-making.

2023 Annual Report


MRIS 2023 Audited Financial Reports


MRIS is an incorporated association. As detailed in our Constitution, governance of the School is carried out by the Governing Body (GB).  Management of the School is the responsibility of the Principal who then reports to the Governing Body.  The Governing Body is responsible for employing & performance management of the Principal, with frequent informal reviews and one annual formal review using ACER: Principal Performance Improvement Tool.  The Governing Body requires the Principal to record and provide updates on any reportable item at each regular Governing Body meeting.

The GB may have up to 12 members including the following roles:

For two-year terms:

  • Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Parent Body Representative

For annual terms:

  • Deputy Chairperson
  • Committee members to cover nominated portfolios including Communication & Marketing, Buildings & Infrastructure, Policies & Procedures.

Annual General Meeting

The school’s Annual General Meeting is held every year in Term 1 as per the MRIS Constitution and Rules.

All parents are encouraged to attend. At this meeting GB elections are held, and parents are encouraged to select a support role as part of their commitment to the school according to their interests.

As per the constitution, the school is managed by the Principal who reports to the GB.


MRIS Organisation Chart 2023

MRIS-Organisation-Chart-2023-Mar.pdf (250 downloads )


MRIS-Constitution-rev-March-2023-approved-at-AGM.pdf (259 downloads )


Busy Bee Policy

Busy Bee Policy approved Dec22

Complaints and Disputes Policy


Current Governing Body Members

  • Interim Chairperson: Jessica Worrall [email protected]
  • Deputy Chairperson: Simone Taplin
  • Treasurer: Beth Dowling  [email protected]
  • Secretary: Digby Fleming  [email protected]
  • Busy Bee Co-ordinator: Paul Chamberlain
  • Building & Infrastructure: Paul Chamberlain
  • Marketing & Communication: 
  • Alumni Portfolio: Jessica Worrall
  • Parent Body Representative: Bridgette Byrne
  • Policies & Procedures: Clare Gleeson 
  • General Member: David Doyle
  • General Member: George Firth
  • General Member: Sam Ford
  • General Member: Kelly Thomson
  • Principal (Non-voting member): Wendy Roediger  [email protected]
Governance 1
Governance 2
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