Auction sales came to almost $43,000 at the 17th Annual Margaret River Art Auction held on Saturday, November 5 to support Margaret River Independent School (MRIS). MRIS Principal, Wendy Roediger said 82 artworks had been donated to the auction. “Once again there was an exciting and eclectic collection of artworks going under the hammer,” she said. “Our artists generosity, brilliant creativity and talent are the heart of the Art Auction and is what makes it so successful,” she said. “Our sponsors generous support is the foundation on which we are able to build a strong, vital and popular event. The winner of the Margaret River Brewhouse People’s Choice Award of $1500 was awarded to Josh Windram for his captivating work “Shine Like It Does”. The Stocker Preston Packers’ Prize of $1250 was awarded to Jacqui Brown, a long-time donator with her visually stunning interpretation of the River Mouth, “Rivermouth Dusk.” Ian Daniell was awarded the $1000 Jarrahdale Heating Emerging Prize for his bold eye-catching work “Australian Giant Cuttlefish”. Nirala Hunt received the Homes by Nature Sustainability Art Prize of $750 for “Family Outing”.