Nyindamurra Nature Trail

Developed by the Year 2/3 Class in 2013, the Nyindamurra Nature Trail is an informative walk through bushland adjoining the school. 

Nature Tour 1
Nature Tour 2

The trail is a focus of nature-based studies within the school. It also forms the foundation of the school’s Wadandi Mentoring Program which celebrates Aboriginal culture and Indigenous connections 

MRIS’s unique learning program with Wadandi mentor, Josh Whiteland from Koomal Dreaming educates the children about bush tucker and medicine, Noongar seasons, dance and other cultural aspects. 

History of the Nyindamurra Nature Trail

From Little Things Big Things Grow!

Over 12 years ago, the school’s Year 2/3 class under the guidance of their teachers opened the Nyindamurra Nature Trail, named in honour of the school’s original name, Nyindamurra Family School.

The trail was the culmination of an inquiry unit of work entitled “Our Bush, Our School – It’s past, Our Future”. The students investigated the native bushland surrounding the school with the help of local Wadandi mentors, who are the Noongyar people of the South-West.

The students endeavoured to find out the history of the bush and how it had been taken care of in the past to help the school ensure its future.

MRIS’s vision was that each year, a new group of students would become the tour guides, conducting tours for visiting and invited guests, sharing the same messages of environmental sustainability and understandings of our indigenous history.

“Let nature be your teacher” – William Wordsworth

Opening the trail to everyone.

Currently MRIS runs student-led tours on the Nyindamurra Nature Trail sharing traditional bush knowledge and the biodiversity of our local flora and fauna. Preparing for tour guiding incorporates the WA Curriculum including bioscience, Aboriginal culture and history.

Book a Tour

To book a tour on the Nyindamurra Nature Trail contact the school on +61 8 9757 7515 or email [email protected]

Nature Tour 3
Nature Tour 4
Nature Tour 5
Nature Tour 6
Nature Tour 7
Nature Tour 8
Nature Tour 9