MRIS has secured a $100,000 Capital Grant from the Federal Government to go towards the construction of two new classrooms in 2018. The new classrooms will accommodate the expansion of the school into single stream classes as MRIS enters its 37th year of operation.
Local MP, Nola Marino visited the school on Tuesday to meet with MRIS Chairperson, Lyn Serventy and Principal, Wendy Roediger.
“This is a wonderful milestone to have reached for a school formed by a handful of visionary parents” said Principal Wendy Roediger. “Current MRIS Governing Body Chairperson, Lyn Serventy was one of those parents instrumental in establishing the school back in 1981. Her involvement has come full circle with her children and grandchildren also attending the school.”
The new classrooms are expected to be completed mid-year and will form part of a quadrangle of classrooms around the Art/Science Room.
Parental help will be called for to fit-out the classrooms and keep finishing costs down.