‘Growing up Greatness’ co-ordinator, Kylie Bice from Perth visited the Margaret River Independent School recently to help fine-tune the school’s

Innovation Sessions with Rob Glass, local engineer and ‘Bright Spark’.

Rob is also a parent  at the school.

Ms Bice and the teachers talked through what gifted and talented students require to stay enthusiastic and stimulated through their primary school years.

MRIS is offering further Innovation Sessions for 2017.


INNOVATION: Local Engineer, Rob Glass and “Growing up Greatness” coordinator Kylie Bice discussed ‘understanding gifted education’ with MRIS staff Liz Borkin and  Wendy Roediger.
INNOVATION: Local Engineer, Rob Glass and “Growing up Greatness” coordinator Kylie Bice discussed ‘understanding gifted education’ with MRIS staff Liz Borkin and  Wendy Roediger.