Over $50,000 worth of grants were awarded to MRIS in 2016.
Principal, Wendy Roediger said committed parents and teachers had submitted ten grant applications and been successful in securing eight. Additionally the Year 3 Class recently received $1500 towards its Wardandi Mentor Project from AISWA.
The parent/teacher-sourced grants are:
$2000 STEM Grant for robotics in classroom.
$1000 Go Greener Grant for Interface Trail Bush Cameras.
$6500 for South West Catchment Council Grant for environmental weed control, revegetation and dieback control.
A Chaplaincy Grant to employ a ‘chaplain’ for one and half days a week for two years.
$3000 Shire of Augusta Margaret River Environmental Stewardship Grant.
$1800 Sports Australia Grant for a surfing program.
$500 MR Rotary Grant for water play in Kindy.
$1500 Bendigo Bank grant for parent and community education.
“The amount of work that goes into securing these grants is phenomenal and we are absolutely delighted when we manage to attract one grant let alone eight!” said Wendy.
“I can’t thank all the parents involved enough.”
Parents interested in MRIS grant application are still being sought and should contact the office on 97577515 if they are available to do this vital work.