Ella Huntly helps Sidney Thomas paint one of the houses for the model train table.
Ella Huntly helps Sidney Thomas paint one of the houses for the model train table.

MRIS Kindergarten is currently enjoying a craft project which is bringing together the  young and the old.

Augusta’s Sidney Thomas is visiting Kindy weekly to share his skills about model trains. He is helping the class make its own base-board, tracks and assemble a home-made village and farmyard.

Sidney said he was a model train enthusiast and was keen to assist the class to put together their own train table.

A former gardener, who got his first job with the Perth City Council in 1961 straight off the boat from the United Kingdom, Sidney said he really looked forward to his time in Kindy .“We are having a lot of fun. Just the sounds of their little voices fills me with joy,” he said.

Teacher, Helen Ewing said students responded well to Sidney and were learning many new skills.

“We are all very excited about having our own little train station, village and farmyard.”