Principal Wendy Roediger

Wendy Roediger

Words from Wendy

MRIS Positive Education 

At our school we follow the STEP principles guided by the Virtues Programme and Restorative Practices. A major difference in our school is the focus on “Intrinsic rewards.” We believe that intrinsic rewards or benefits lead to task engagement and increased wellbeing. Intrinsic rewards increase motivation: the more we become aware of the benefits of what we do, the more we want to do those things.  MRIS staff members have the role of supporting our students’ development (rather than controlling it). They support our students by helping them to identify the intrinsic benefits in what they do, and help them to develop an awareness of the process of learning, rather than the benefits of garnering approval. Encouraging positive behaviour and a love of learning is a more challenging process than the instant compliance obtained from a desirable reward, but the research tells us it pays dividends in the long term.

Guiding Behaviour

Belief Systems guide our behaviour. (This is most evident when we are confronted with our own children’s behaviour and how we deal with these situations.)  At MRIS we believe in DISCIPLINE – to guide and teach our students to be self regulated and self motivated. We aim to teach the required behaviour to be successful in society. The MRIS staff will do the work to guide students to make good decisions; they will give the time and follow up on the set plans to ensure our students are “powerful on the inside” – confident, self controlled, satisfied and able to take risks (to fail and not be scared) .We give children boundaries and choices and ensure logical consequences occur when rules are broken or a good choice has not been taken.

Wendy’s words of wisdom

When looking at peacefulness it was interesting to note that it states – “Peacefulness is an inner sense of calm, it comes from quiet moments of reflection or gratitude, it is giving up the love of power for the power of love.”

Let’s have lots more of this in our lives