It’s Bunuru SeasJosh 4on (Autumn) on the Noongar calendar.

Yr 5/6 MRIS students  toured the Nyindamurra Nature Trail on Monday with Josh Whiteland of Koomal Dreaming (see pg 6).

Class teacher Megan Tiller said Josh’s visit complimented the science curriculum. Tracey Muir from the Cape to Cape Catchment Group also took part in the excursion.

Megan said the students  learnt about aboriginal uses for some of our native plants and how the local Wardandi people would traditionally burn the bush during Bunuru to encourage fruiting of plants and avoid burning in Kambarang (Spring) to protect newborn animals .

The class also made  suggestions towards the MRIS Fire Management Plan regarding when bush should be burnt.

In other Bush news around the school;

*The Yr 2/3 Bush School is scheduled for Week 10;

*The MRIS Bushland Management Committee has been reviewing the school’s Environmental Management Plan which will guide ongoing care of the our bush for conservation, education and science and connection.