Back to nature MRIS students Jett Higgins (Yr 6) and Amelia Glass(Yr 5) start collecting suitable material to build cubbies in the school grounds.
Back to nature
students Jett Higgins (Yr 6) and Amelia Glass(Yr 5) start collecting
material to build cubbies in the school grounds.

Cubby material is being sought for MRIS students to use in outdoor play.

Parents and friends are asked to seek out any suitable cubby construction material for use at school.

Sports teacher Sean Allen will oversee regular cubby building sessions with the students as part of an outdoors connection programme.

He said the idea of the project was to get students to re-connect with the natural surroundings by being active, outside and engaged with the environment in a hands on way.

Cubby material will be stored at MRIS. Anyone who can donate cubby material  is asked to bring it into school. MRIS is looking for products likes planks,  canvas sheeting, cardboard, and bamboo.

In Saturday’s ‘West Australian’ an article about the sell-out Perth event ‘Nature’s Play’ highlighted how important it is for children to connect with nature by playing outside, getting dirty and taking reasonable risks. The article is displayed in the office if you are interested.