MRIS’s unique Indigenous Program led by the school’s Wadandi Mentor, Josh Whiteland of Koomal Dreaming will be highlighted in a short film.

Shot on campus last week, the film will be used as a marketing tool to showcase the connection between MRIS students, their Wadandi Mentor, and their knowledge of the local Noongar culture.

It also aims to connect MRIS parents with their child’s education experience via video to counteract limited parent contact at the school due to Covid 19.

Produced by MRIS parent, Mark Boskell and Dareen McCagh from Mixtape Creative and Farmhouse Films, the film will focus on the school’s Change of Season Celebration –Makuru and the popular Yr. 2 Bush School.
“I am passionate about indigenous storytelling and education,” Mark said. “MRIS’s Wadandi Mentoring Program is unique amongst schools in this region, and this is a great opportunity to capture it on film.”

Footage will include the Yr. 3’s making digging sticks, construction of a Mia, and a student-led tour on the Nyindamurra Nature Trail.

There are plans for further opportunities to build on the video throughout the year by featuring other aspects of the program including music, dance, art and indigenous foods.