A $1,650 grant awarded to Margaret River Independent School will fund a free motivational parenting seminar to be held next Friday, May 15.
“The Continuous Journey of Building Trust and
Developing Positive Children” will be hosted by MRIS and the Department of Local Government and Communities in the school’s Performing Arts Centre (PAC) as part of National Families Week.
Guest speaker is Greg Mitchell, a highly experienced and passionate educator. His workshop is designed to empower parents to be excellent rather than perfect!
MRIS students will attend tailored sessions with Greg during the morning, while parents and the wider community are invited to attend a parenting seminar from 1 to 3pm.
MRIS principal, Wendy Roediger said the seminar would be informative, humorous and a must for all parents. “I urge everyone to come along to hear Greg’s presentation on how to develop positive children. Please tell your friends and family and set the date aside—we would love to see you there!”
Ms Roediger said a specially designed MRIS 2015 Parent Education Calendar will also be launched during the adult seminar.
Refreshments will be provided so please RSVP to 97577515 or email [email protected]

Greg Mitchell,
‘Beyond Yelling’
will be presenting a
free parenting
workshop at MRIS next Friday, May 15