A member of the ‘ MRIS Quenda Squad’ hasreturned to school.
Also known as theSouthern Brown
Bandicoot (lsoodon obesulus), the quenda (from the Noongar word kwent) is a short-nosed bandicoot, a type of marsupial found mostly in the south-west of WA. Roaming the Pre-Primary area looking for food scraps, a quenda has been sighted by teachers and students.
Kindy teacher, Helen Ewing saw the bandicoot last night and previously back in March. It has been a few years since the timid creatures have been seen on campus. Helen said the children could see the animal’s diggings and cone-shaped indentations in the sand. “We have smoothed out the sand so that we might see some tracks. The children are very excited to have a quenda back in the playground!”