Courtesy of the Augusta Margaret River Times
November 14, 2011.

A year 6 and 7 cohort from Margaret River Independent School has returned from a field trip to Canberra, investigating the Federal political system. Led by senior teacher Gus Barker and parent volunteers, the students visited Parliament and scored a wave from Opposition leader Tony Abbott and former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.
Parent Nicky Hanson said Forrest MHR Nola Marino also wore the school’s distinctive colours on the day.
Principal Wendy Roediger said it was an admirable trip and a real challenge, but the effort paid off for the students who fundraised and travelled with partial support of a Commonwealth scheme helping students learn about participatory democracy.

News from the 6/7 class:

Our senior class visited Canberra in October of 2011 as part of the school’s Discovering Democracy programme. This semester the senior class, which consists of students from year 5, 6 and 7, have been learning about Citizenship and Government. The camp was partly funded by a Federal Government Grant, parent contributions and fundraising. Please enjoy our students reports below Click on each of the students name to download their Powerpoint files.

Gus Barker
Senior Teacher


Jykia Ellenor Alice Aisha Tom Creed India Kyron
Barney Winjana Hamish Finn Aria Sunni Lucas

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