sub centre.
The devastating effect of bush fires was the topic of conversation when the MRIS Yr4/5 class visited the Margaret River Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service (MRVFRS) last Thursday morning.
Students were given a tour of the station by the Brigade Captain and shown what it is like when there is a real call out!
The class also got to see some of the equipment that is used by MRVFRS in combating fires in the local community.
To finish off the visit, students participated in a science experiment in which they set fire to different types of fabric found in homes. A real eye opener for the class!
Students then made their way to St John Ambulance Sub Centre, where they were treated to an ambulance tour and shown vital instruments that ambulance officers use to save lives almost every day. Jazz Morwitzer and Araya Heussenstamm were given the privilege of being strapped onto the stretcher as if they were really being transported by the ambulance
A big thank you to both volunteer organisations and their staff for their time and protection the community of Margaret River.