Category Archives: MRIS News

Happy Harmony Day at MRIS

The colourful diversity of costumes was a highlight of Harmony Day held at MRIS on [...]

Kai came back to school!

Former Margaret River Independent School student, Kai Hoft Withers returned to school last week to [...]

MRIS Grandparent Day 2016

For our second GRANDPARENTS DAY on Wed 31st Aug (last day of winter) we will [...]

Ready for Robotics!

Classroom robots are now a permanent fixture at MRIS with the introduction of four EV3 [...]

MRIS Remembers!

The whole school paused to remember lives lost in war during MRIS’s Remembrance Day ceremony [...]

Sandpit sale!

A pop-up Ice-cream Shop came to Kindy/Pre-Primary recently with students enjoying  scoops of “sandy delights” in [...]

Healing hands!

MRIS students have created hand cut-outs in the colours of the Aboriginal flag for National [...]

Free Parenting Seminar!

  A $1,650 grant awarded to Margaret River Independent School will fund a free motivational [...]