Big school visit

MRIS students took part in Destination High School on Wednesday and Thursday, visiting Margaret River [...]

Margaret River pre-primary puts the spotlight on night animals

Courtesy of Augusta Margaret River Mail 11 Jul, 2012 PRE-PRIMARY students at Margaret River Independent [...]

Students with Vision

Courtesy of Augusta Margaret River Mail    MARGARET River Independent School had a visit recently [...]

Auction an artistic winner

Courtesy of Augusta Margaret River Mail 06 June, 2012    THE Seventh Annual Art Auction [...]

Nyindamurra Family School turns 30

Courtesy of Augusta Margaret River Mail 07 Mar, 2012 Founding parents and pupils returned from [...]

End of Year Concert

Families and friends spent a wonderful evening being entertained by all MRIS students from Kindy [...]

MRIS wins again!

Student and teachers were excited to hear they had won not only the WA Spatial [...]

Heading to High School

  The Graduating Class of 2013 was farewelled at the annual Margaret River Independent School’s Christmas [...]

Up close to parliament

Courtesy of the Augusta Margaret River Times November 14, 2011. A year 6 and 7 [...]

Time for tea

Courtesy of the Augusta Margaret River Times October 24, 2011. The Margaret River Independent School [...]