Category Archives: Community

Film Focus: MRIS Showcases Indigenous Culture Connection

MRIS’s unique Indigenous Program led by the school’s Wadandi Mentor, Josh Whiteland of Koomal Dreaming [...]

Children’s Rights in the Spotlight at MRIS!   

The ‘Rights of Children’ were in the spotlight recently for MRIS Year 6 students as [...]

Calm Change at Church

A new Sensory Calming Space will be created in the school’s Library providing all MRIS [...]

Remote learning success at MRIS

  The recent implementation of Remote Learning at MRIS during the current Covid 19 pandemic [...]

MRIS remembers the ANZACS!

    The tradition of honouring fallen soldiers on ANZAC Day continued despite the Covid [...]

Let’s Keep Connected MRIS!

As MRIS prepared to close its campus this week and the final students participated in [...]

MRIS 2020 AGM is on Sunday, April 5

Dear MRIS community,   In preparation for our AGM to be held electronically on 5 [...]

Weaving Magic at MRIS!

Year 6 MRIS students got creative recently learning traditional basket weaving techniques with Aboriginal Educator [...]

Former MRIS student, Josh wins CSRIO 2020 Indigenous STEM Award!

Former Margaret River Independent School student, Josh Loyd has taken out the 2020 CSRIO Indigenous [...]

Family Ties at MRIS!

In a blast from the past, MRIS recently had some very interesting visitors on campus [...]