Little Indies Open Afternoon!

2015 Enrolments are NOW OPEN for Little Indies Discovery School for 3-year-olds Come along and [...]

Class Characters

Salvador Dali, The Sweet Valley Twins, Steffi Graf & Kathy Freeman attended MRIS recently for [...]

Remembrance Day

MRIS held a Remembrance Day Service on Tuesday, attended by students, staff, parents & grandparents [...]

Mixing with the Maasai!

The hardship encountered by Tanzanian school children was highlighted at Margaret River Independent School recently [...]

Jumping against heart disease

JUMPING into the fight against heart disease and stroke became a mission for the students [...]

Emergency Insight!

The devastating effect of bush fires was the topic of conversation when the MRIS  Yr4/5 [...]

MRIS Exceptional!

An excellent educational experience with an exceptional environment”… this is the view of the Department [...]

Vive Le France

The 2014 French Open Day was a great success with the whole school community coming [...]

Fabulous French Fun!

Get ready for a day of French fun as we prepare for MRIS’s French Open [...]